Wednesday, March 12, 2014

LTW7 Central - Physical Exercise #4 & #6

We had 2 kick boxing session 12 & 19 March 2014.

Benefit of Kick Boxing for Woman:

  • Melt Fat Fast
  • Tone Your Entire Body
  • Learn Valuable self-defense moves
  • Take out Stress and aggression
  • Feeling Sexy and Confidence

I enjoyed the kick boxing session and had lots of fun. The warm up is like aerobic, a bit of hopping then came the serious kick boxing move where we kick , punch, upper cut and block. I perspire a lot today, and leg sore ~>.<~

12 March 2014

When I reach home, I felt that I didn't have enough abs training and randomly pick up an abs exercise, did 2 reps of 10 before bed.
No 5 is quite hard, when i tried to push my hips upwards, i felt the abs tighten and strain but that's a good one!

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