Monday, March 3, 2014

LTW7 Central - Physical Activity #1

I am so excited for Lose to Win 7 first physical Activity Session. The Activity was initially held at 20 Cantonment close but had a last minute change in venue to Health Promotion Board instead as there was a funeral going on there. LOL so heng!

Having the PA held at Health Promotion Board is so much better than some stupid HDB Multi-purpose Hall with no toilets and water cooler. The session started of wasting quite a bit of time explaining about exercise safety and forming of groups.

So today we had circuit training...

1. Jogging on the spot interval. - Slow 30Sec jog then fast 30 Sec jog, repeat.

2. Regular Squats

  • Stand Straight with knees relaxed, feet hip-width apart and toes slightly turned out, hands by the side. 
  • As you bend your knees, extend your arms, tilt hips back and slowly lower like sitting on an invisible chair. Keep back straight and upper body muscles in a tight contraction.
  • Aim to squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Lift up Slowly from the squat by pushing with your heeds.

Squat exercises are great for a total lower body workout.They effectively work most of the major muscle groups of the butt, hips and thighs. Adding weights (dumbbells) to squat routine engages the muscles of the upper body, giving a full body workout in one exercise. Repeat the exercise for a total of 2 to 3 sets of 10 - 20 reps, beginner should start low.

3. Tuck Crunches

Lie on the floor with hands lightly touching ears, knees bent. Raise upper body towards knee, using strictly abdominal muscles. Exhale through your mouth while lifting off the floor, inhale through nose and lower back down slower.

Crunches are an exercise that target your abdominal muscles, toning and strengthening.

4. Push Up

Place knees on the floor and the lower to the ground like normal push up.

Push ups up focuses on strengthening the upper body and core along with triceps.

Oh man! I got difficulty doing my push up with the knees on the ground. *ouch*.

5. Jumping Jack

  • Assume an erect position, with feet together and arms at your side.
  • Slightly bend your knees, and propel yourself a few inches into the air.
  • While in air, bring your legs out to the side about shoulder width or slightly wider.
  • As you are moving your legs outward, you should raise your arms up over your head; arms should be slightly bent throughout the entire in-air movement.
  • Your feet should land shoulder width or wider as your hands meet above your head with arms slightly bent

It's an hour session but the trainer spend too much time talking at the beginning, the training wasn't that tough yet short. Nevertheless, I am god damn motivated to trim some fats becoz... the trainer is soooo CUTE!!! LOL

*All information are taken from websites.

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