Monday, March 10, 2014

Belz little Diet Plan with a bit of cheat

I am getting serious with my weight lose program. I know that targeting to lose 3 Kg a week is not realist but I will give it a shot! I did a little cheating by following GM Diet with some modification. It might be an unhealthy diet plan but i will make changes along the way.

My Target is to lose 20kg in 3 months.

Last week i did make a slight progress losing from 71.2kg to 70.5kg. Coping with temptation and craving is the most torturous thing... And I am still trying. It's not that I am hungry, the more I go on diet the most strange craving popping up in my head.

 Day 1 Food Drinks
x  Breakfast   08.30AM - 09.30AM  Ensure + Collagen Shake 1 Glass
 Mid-Snack  10.30AM - 11.30AM  1 Apple, 1 Pear  2 Glasses
x  Lunch  12.00PM - 01.30PM   FishSoup + 1/2 rice + Vegetable  Detox Tea
 Afternoon Snack  04.00PM - 04.30PM  10pc Cherry Tomato  2 Glasses
 Evening  06.00PM - 06.30PM  1 Apple, 1 Pear
 Dinner  08.00PM - 09.00PM  Mix Grain Porridge  Sleeping Tea
 (Morning) Weight:  70.5 Kg
 Exercise:  Physical Activity #3 @ HPB (7.30 PM - 8.30 PM)

Day 1 Diet plan wasn't that successful. I managed to keep up with my most important meal Breakfast and Lunch. For Mid-snack I need to reduce to 1 fruit, just trying to be greedy ~>.<~ Afternoon Snack, I am still stuck with that horrible tasting Apple (sour). Evening I was in the rush to go HPB, till the physical Activity ended, my fruits are still in my bag. When i reach home, I couldn't take it anymore, I want to eat something!!! Anything!!! I made the Mix Grain Porridge that i bought on Sunday. OMG the taste is *yucks* at least I had my stomach filled.

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