Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Diet: 25 March 2014

25 Mar'14 Food Drinks Calories
Breakfast  08.30AM - 09.30AM Whey Protein + Collagen  1 Glass 200
Mid-Snack 10.30AM - 11.30AM 1/4 Rock Melon 2 Glass
Lunch 12.00PM - 01.30PM chicken Breast and bread 2 Green Tea 125
dinner 05.00PM - 05.30PM Mala Xiang Guo  2 Coke 500
Snacks 09.00PM - 10.30PM Fried Wantan  Honey Green Tea 125
Total 950
Weight: 69Kg
Exercise: Cross Trainer 30 min + Jung Dayoh Mat Exercise


I planned to have Salad Chicken for lunch but the chicken breast I cook was sooo horrible tasting that I felt so full to even eat the salad.

But I went out with my Colleague wanting to order fish soup instead and add the vegetable from the salad into the soup but we went to Teban where there is only fish-head soup is not appealing to attract my taste bud and I ended up buying a bread.


I met my sister for Dinner and she treated me this cheap feast "mala Xiang Guo". Oh man! my diet plan trashed ~>.<~

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