Sunday, March 23, 2014

Friends make Fitness more Fun?

This weeks homework for LTW7 - find frenz or group to jog / do some activities together. Jogging with frenz may be a good way to be motivated - jogging with Thaubah, her stamina improved so fast that I could barely catch up with her... Love running with her as we will be gossiping and luffing about our colleagues while jogging. 

There are some pple I never like doing activities or to jog with... Some irritating assholes whom is god damn fake. They are not motivator, but some bitch who loves to somehow demoralized you in an "encouraging way". They sounds so god damn real being concern about you yet seems so sarcastic... Activities they can't do, they gave excuses that they have old injury and their age, but when you can't do it due to your old injury, they think you are bullshit. They are the cause to your mental breakdown, is either you fight the devil or lost the battle.

Seriously m I mentally sick?

Dear Bitch, 

Because of the mental torture you gave me, I will fight with you till you drop dead. I will show you I can make it one day and till that day kindly save your fake congrats because I will not appreciate it.

Thank you.


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