Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Pot Calling a kettle Black

Annoying stupid news on "UNCLE DECIDES TO QUIT HIS JOB AFTER MISS UNIVERSE SINGAPORE FINALISTS MOCKS HIM IN TRAIN" sharing in facebook and on FM100.3 with everyone retarded comment.

Comments such as "should take her off the title", "How is this kind of standard a finalist.." "bitch..." She mock the uncle and everyone mock her... isn't this hilarious! people who make nasty comment about her makes no different from her... she, like anyone else is merely speaking her mind but the difference is senseless stupid post vs justice... in conclusion "A pot calling a kettle black".

It's a small minor issue, people see this issue so BIG and blow it even bigger... just because the girl who made the comment is Miss Singapore Finalist.. if she is not, things would be simplified, remove the post and apologize. People may not agree with me and ask what if it's your father, I would say the same remove the post and apologize. People do make mistakes, am I right? As long as the person learn her mistake, we should be generous to forgive and forget. Others may ask what if that person is you? I would say So what? Some idiots ever posted my make over pic in the forum and commented "is she chio". My first reaction was WTF? did someone just sabotage me? my frenz told me to ignore theses kids.. people mock at me for being fat...It hurts but Life still goes on. I told myself people are just jealous of me :) the day when I slim, people will envy me *dream on*

I believe she has learn her lesson..

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