Friday, March 7, 2014

Nutrition Workshop @ SMU

We are the Cauliflower team!!!
This workshop is a general basic knowledge on how much intake we need in order to lose weight. The most ridiculous things facts is to lose 1KG of body fat, you need to have an energy lose of 7,000 kcal and it takes 7-14 days to burn 1 KG of body fats. So it would take a century for me to burn 20kg go fats ~>.<~

There were also talks about alternatives of food such as replacing rice with whole meal grain and remember to half your intake. Everyday u take 1 bowl of rice, now try taking half bowl. Lunch muz include fruits and vegetable, 2 serving each a twice a week. Especially exercise, first 20 mins of the exercise is to burn sugar, after that then fats start burning so it's best to exercise 45mins to an hour but first timer should take it easy.. Start with a 15-20 mins exercise first. Most importantly plain water!!! And drink before every meal....

We also had some activities to play. I was so surprise that 2 rolls of popiah is less than 200 cal means we can eat it everyday! Others include yogurt with fruits, popcorn salted, pandan cake, thosai...

My team mate is so cute.. She stated take 5 mins to eat a Mcflurry and need  1 hr 5 min slow jog to burn it.

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