Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 3 Diet plan

2 days of plan diet my weight didn't seems to go anywhere but my mum say I look slimmer. Let see if there is any result by the end of this week.

My Day 3 Diet plan... 

 Day 3
 Breakfast   08.30AM - 09.30AM  Ensure + Collagen Shake  1 Glass
 Mid-Snack  10.30AM - 11.30AM  1 Apple  2 Glasses
 Lunch  12.00PM - 01.30PM  Buffet  2 Glasses + Green Tea
 Afternoon Snack  04.00PM - 04.30PM  10pc Cherry Tomato  2 Glasses
 Evening  06.00PM - 06.30PM
 Study @ Mac  10.00PM - 12.00AM - Medium Green Tea
 (Morning) Weight:  70.5 Kg
 Exercise:  Physical Activity #4 @ HPB

Look at the Big Big apple my mum gave me as a support of my diet program...

We had a Farewell lunch at Science Park 1, Khansama for a colleague whose last day is today. I ate sooo full that I can barely walk but it's ok. I will be having Kick boxing session today at HPB to burn all this food away.

After work, I was showing my colleague what Lose to win gave: 2 shirts, bag, tower, water bottle, resistance bands and keychain measuring tape. And i took the measuring tape to measure my waist and guess what? I lose 3cm from 92cm - 89 cm. Strange that I am losing inches and not weight...but at least I am seeing result *give a pat to myself*

I met my BF after my physical Activity at West coast Mcdonalds and he mention that my boobs bigger LOL could it be the Nano collagen? Oh man I want Cup C! *giggle*

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