Monday, March 24, 2014

Diet: 24 March 2014

Day 1
24 Mar'14 Food Drinks Calories
Breakfast  08.30AM - 09.30AM Whey Protein + Collagen + Chia Seed 1 Glass 100
Mid-Snack 10.30AM - 11.30AM 5 Cherry Tomato + 1/4 Rock Melon 2 Glass 50
Lunch 12.00PM - 01.30PM 1/2 Bowl Brown&Red Rice + 2pc Chee Cheong Fan  2 Green Tea 125
dinner 05.00PM - 05.30PM Whey Protein  100
Snacks 09.00PM - 10.30PM Cup Cake 130
Total 505
Weight: 69.5Kg
Exercise: HPB Physical Activity #7

OH yes! I weight myself this morning, though I gonna be disappointed with my weight because I ate all I wanted for the past 2 days but surprising my weight went down to 69.5kg. A small tiny winy improvement :)


This is my 1/2 Bowl of Brown Red rice fried with some vegetable for Lunch at 11.30am. At around 12.30pm I went for lunch with my colleague and ate Chee Cheong Fan.


My BF bought for me a nice tumbler for my green tea :)


Toilets in the office has been relocated due to some renovation going on :(...The journey to the toilet is quite long...taking the stair instead of the lift helps to burn a little calories then walk this long long  passage.. I almost pee out LOL.


In the evening I had my Whey Protein Shake but was quite hungry and had a cup cake..


The clothes i ordered from Qoo10 had arrived and I was so excited to open them! Ultra thin Cardigan, too small for me... Hot pink skirt too small... a blue top fits yet I look a little fat... Hmm.. it's a hint to lose more!

Plans For Tomorrow

I am planning to have Salad for lunch tomorrow. You know how Pathetic my ShengSiong is having only the last Chicken Breast. And YES I am eating Chicken breast, I hate it but I am learning to eat it!


Slowing coping with my diet and craving...and I am still working hard.

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